Looking for a new involvement in the ministry of our church?
There are many exciting and important ways to become connected in faith, service, fellowship, and worship within our church family.
Here are a few opportunities - to learn more about each area contact
Bethany in the church office: 724-327-5049 / Email: first.murrysville@wpaumc.org or
Pastor Jack: 724-448-4934 / Email: jack.tickle@wpaumc.org
- Worship serving opportunities
- Choir / Praise team / Music ministry
- Usher/greeter
- Sound board/powerpoint team
- Lay reader
- Communion team
- Puppet Ministry
- Children's ministry
- Sunday school teacher or helper
- Nursery attendant
- Vacation Bible School (not too early to be thinking Summer 2023!)
- Community Events at Easter and Christmas
- Youth Group - volunteer
- Outreach ministries
- Presence ministry (serve in the church and community - 2nd Saturday)
- Local and Regional Missions - Philippi, WV mission team adults and youth needed June 2023
- Child Sponsor through Compassion International
- Nurture and Connectional Ministries
- Prayer ministry / prayer chain
- Visitation team / Share Communion with the homebound
- Prepare meals for funeral celebrations
- Participate in Small Groups - options for virtual, in person, hybrid, within church and community
- Fellowship events - game days, pot luck meals, after service social hour