Young Adult Small Group 

Meeting every other Wednesday 6:30pm in Susanna Lounge. All are invited! Reach out to Carolyn Tickle for more info 724-858-5759

Bible in a Year Program - IS BACK! Meetings every Sunday 8:30 am in Susanna Lounge (2nd floor near Sanctuary)

 This program includes a mix of readings from the Old and New Testament each week spread out over 5 sets of daily readings. Everyone is invited to participate! If you get busy and miss some readings or if you start into the program late, just jump to the current weekly readings.

This will be a time of sharing with 4 basic questions to guide your turn to share. Feel free to skip or adapt the questions as necessary, as the goal is to provide each person an opportunity to share and witness uninterrupted. Even if you cannot participate in any of the groups, Pastor Jack encourages everyone to use these questions either in personal reflection or with a trusted friend.

1. Which passage was most troubling for you?
2. Which passage was most comforting?
3. Which passage was most surprising?
4. How can these passages be used in your everyday walk of faith?


A copy of the reading plan is attached to this email. For questions, please reach out to Pastor Jack.

Bible in a Year Starting September 2023
Bible in a Year 2023 Starting September [...]
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Small groups are a great way to connect within the church community. It give you an opportunity to build new relationships, study scripture, fellowship, pray for one another, and serve Christ. We have many different small groups within our church both online and in person throughout the week. Contact the church office for more information

Questions or want to know more about our small groups? Email:

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Phone: 724.327.5049 / © First United Methodist Church
3916 Old William Penn Highway, Murrysville, PA 15668